Friday, October 31, 2014

Kamakura , Izu and Shimoda

The statue of Amida Buddha
Traditional Japanese wedding 

Shrine at Anoshima
The Dancing girl of Izu

Commodore Matthew C Perry of U.S.
Monument of Perry's landing -  Black Ships
阿吉姑娘服務的tea house
The beautiful Perry Street
Port of Shimoda  Coastline 

Kamakura was the first stop of our trip : A small town in Sagami which for several centuries was the second capital of Japan and played important role in Japan history. The statue of Amida Buddha (鐮倉大佛)was tourist attraction ,we also enjoyed local famous レらす丼(小白魚蓋飯)which was small white fish over a bow of rice very unique and made a delicious lunch.   After lunch short stop at Anoshima and then arrived Izu's Shimoda: Japan's first open port in 1854.
After Commodore Matthew C. Perry of the U.S. In 1854 the "Black Ships" arrived the port of Shimoda waked up and changed the Japanese history. Today's Shimoda retains a feel of the Old Japan in it downtown areas and still has its beautiful natural coastline. We walked through Perry street along a small canal and witness early 19 century what happened in this small fishing port.
When our bus drove into Izu Peninsula, Kawabata Yasunari's  "The Daning girl of Izu: jumping out from my mind the first love story of his. Kawabata Yasunari was a Japanese novelist,won him the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1968, the first Japanese author to receive the award.

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