Monday, October 24, 2011

Stage design

Decorated by Ms. Lin and her students, it was a good experience to participate decorating the stage, especially for loving memory of our dear friend Dr. Liao.( we call him uncle Liao) (10-21-2011)

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,I have kept the faith"

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dr.Ching-Hing Liao Memorial Concert

Arranging at the entrance hall way was my assignment by my teacher this time. Ms. Lin described the hall way map and helped me understand the whole pictures. First, I painted the dead walking stick to black, brought pine and azalea branches and big yellow muns at the class. Since I forgot the container, I used stone instead like the bottom picture shows. It was my first attempt to show my idea to teacher. On Friday afternoon at Auditorium of Temple University Ambler, PA, I did this arrangement. Ms.Lin brought me yellow lilies instead of muns, I used black container and more green branches, the result of which, I am happy with. (10-21-2011)

Thanksgiving arrangement

Thanksgiving holiday's arrangement was our subject this class, but Ms. Lin gave me another assignment this time. So my arrangement was arranged at home. Two arrangements at bottom
were our teacher's Demo. (10-16-2011)

Mellon became material with berry branch and green carnations . Isn't it interesting? Sticking
apples to the branches created another kind of arrangement. I like its idea and creativity.